Monday, December 10, 2007

African Culture Commandment #1

You Can't Argue With the Clan!

While the majority of Americans are born and bred with an independent - look out for number one at all costs - spirit, the African culture produces a very different perspective on life. Almost every decision that an African makes, he is expected to first consider the wishes and needs of his clan and determine his choices based on the greater good. The reason for this is probably largely due to the fact that most Africans depend on others within their clan for survival. By 'clan', I mean all levels of extended family - to aunts, uncles, cousins, and sometimes beyond. It is most common to see one working African supporting many members of extended family. Due to a shortage of employment opportunities, and many other factors, the number of employed family members is usually very few - thus you are expected to support the rest. Therefore, any decision from further education, to employment considerations, to marriage and everything in between, requires consultation with all parties (involved or not) before one can do anything else.

While there are many selfless benefits to this kind of mental approach, it also produces many stumblingblocks, especially when it comes to following the claims of Christ on one's life. You can imagine the struggle for an African Christian, born and bred with this 'clan' mentality, when it comes to Christ's claims of discipleship in Luke 14:26.

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