Sunday, September 16, 2007

Pray for Anna!

On Tuesday, Anna has her annual kidney check-up. We are so grateful to the Lord for the good health Anna has been blessed with these 20 months of her life. For those of you who may not know, our daughter Anna was born here in Africa (January 12, 2006) with one functioning kidney. And although the diseased kidney never has worked nor ever will, they must monitor it to watch for tumors, monitor it as it shrinks, etc. until Anna is 8-10 years old. All praise be to God that her good kidney is functioning over 100%; meaning that it is doing all the work for both!

When Anna had to undergo testing at birth, they mentioned that the tests might need to be repeated when she was older. We know that our little girl is safe in the Father’s Hands. We are so grateful for our Princess. Would you pray that they won't need to run all the tests again? They were so awful and invasive, they would have to totally sedate her (and her parents too). No fun, but whatever is best for her health. We will post updates via email and here, as to the report from her appointment.

In the Everlasting Arms,


Anonymous said...

Praying for Anna's health and future salvation...praying for opportunities to reach lost souls during this appointment....and praying for your coffee addiction. grin

joy said...

Thinking of u guys, and praying for lil' Anna!

Anonymous said...

How did her appointment go?