Sunday, September 16, 2007

Culture…Familiar Places in South Africa

One of the most amusing things when visiting a foreign country has to be seeing American signs and products. Maybe it seems crazy to you, but we enjoy the McDonald’s in Pietersburg. There isn’t one in Tzaneen yet. We are told the story by the locals that McDonald’s HAD tried to come several years ago, but the bistro/produce market just outside of town by the similar name of MacDonald’s, filed a lawsuit with the American franchise. Apparently now, the dust has settled and McDonald’s has been given permission to open in our small town. Funny.

When you walk into McDonald’s here, it is identical to any you’d find in the States. The food, the packaging, the signs, the smells (which aren’t always good) – everything – is identical except the prices are in Rands (R) on the menu board! But honestly, I think it’s more the ‘American’ familiarity than it is the food… :o)

There are several other familiar places, businesses, and products around the country. Here are some ‘we’ have seen this term. In more westernized parts of the country, like Cape Town and Johannesburg, there are even more ‘familiar signs’, I am sure.

Avis Car Rentals
Hertz Car Rentals
Cinnabon (Pretoria)
Seattle’s Best Coffee (Pretoria)
ReMax Real Estate
Subway (Pretoria)

You will see brands such as:
Coke, Sprite, Fanta
Lipton Iced Tea
Old El Paso Flour Tortillas
Hershey’s Syrup

However most times these are imported from USA, Canada, UK, or New Zealand and are the priciest options!!

We still have not forgiven the Castners and Heinzes who can get TURKEY HILL ICE CREAM in Chile. That is just plain not fair! :o)

Although these things seem small and insignificant, when you are in a strange land and culture, these are welcomed sights! Hopefully this was a ‘different’ perspective on our reality.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can we talk about strange lands, please?
One word
Donkey Bustin
And the fact our pastor is having a sunday school contest for the best dressed man and woman...expecting us to wear country/western wear....
Maybe the donkeys will know.
I noticed you are lacking a Starbucks...