Monday, November 5, 2007

Prayer Alert

Many of you have expressed your prayers for the work over here, and for that we are very grateful. It has been a couple of weeks since I updated you, and wanted to let you know how things are progressing over here with the ministry.

Kujwana village. We are still meeting with a small group here on Sunday mornings. Our focus right now is on reaching Silas and his girlfriend Mavis with the Gospel. If we can reach them and see them put their lives in order concerning their present 'live-in' situation, we may be able to build something off the back of that. David has been doing most of the teaching at these studies and has been dealing with Silas as well. Yesterday, Silas admitted that he has realized that he is not born again. When we first met him he said that he was, but his testimony was a very typical Charismatic testimony....not much at all. Pray for Silas and Mavis and Kujwana village.

Motupa village. We continue to meet here on Sunday afternoons. We did baptize 4 men a few weeks back, and they all are continuing faithful to the Lord. It is exciting to watch them growing together into a fellowship of believers. They meet regularly on Wednesday afternoons as well to study the Scriptures together. Pray for David, Fels, Godfrey, Thomas, and Kenyas. There are some others that attend the studies on Sunday as well from time to time. Pray for Sam, Izak, Phetole, and others that these men are influencing with the Gospel. It is a joy to see these men demonstrating a burden for reaching their own people.

As we prepare for furlough, most of our focus is on developing discipleship and leadership into the lives of these men that have shown commitment to the Lord's work. Over the last 3 years, many have been the professors and 'flash in the pan', few have been the gems that weather the tests of discipleship. These men at Motupa are beginning to bear some very promising fruit. Each one of them feels a strong personal responsibility toward the building of a church in their village. We are praying that God will use them mightily, especially in our absence, to see that the work can be done without the missionary here. Please pray with us to that end.

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