Monday, August 20, 2007

Blogosphere.....Here We Come

Welcome to our corner of cyberspace where we would like to share with you a slice of our world. Although I have been verbosely opposed to blogging in the past, with 10,000 reasons why blogging was a waste of time, I must confess that I have had a slight change of heart. While I still have my reservations about much of the blogging world out there, I must admit that there is a time and a place for a purposeful, informative blogging. I hope that you will find this to be a blogging site with a purpose. Our goal is to bring you news from a faraway land, and our hope is that it will be as cold waters to a thirsty soul. Ok...that was a little sappy, but you get the point. It is very difficult to find the time to effectively stay in touch with as many people as we need to, when you are 10,000 miles away. As we prepare to come home for furlough early next year, we wanted to take some measures to strengthen our relationships with many relatives, friends, and acquaintances back in the good 'ole USA. If you are planning to take the time to frequent and peruse our humble musings, let me say "thank you" are helping us to rekindle necessary relationships. Having said that, I will post a few recent pics, and see you again tomorrow.....for a perhaps more 'meaty' update:-).


Anonymous said...

Some of *us* will NOT be pouring ourselves a cup of coffee but a cup of iced chai, thank you very much, while indulging in a meaty insert of your time in South Africa. We will look forward to a glimpse into your world...and will continue to pray.
Oh! and the annual donkey busting event is taking place here in Altus, America this very weekend! Dontcha wish you were here??

Anonymous said...

If I must drink coffee or chai to read this...I won't be participating. I will just be drinking pure, clear, healthy water! Well, type away and tell us something about Africa.

Anonymous said...

Hello George, Kristin, Joel and Anna (I still love her name!),
This is a great, purposeful idea! I'm glad you all are well, we are doing pretty good, too.
January will be here before we all know it, we'll be looking forward to your return! You can come for a special dinner made by Rebekah as she seems to have decided that cooking is something she enjoys..4 months ought to be enough time to perfect something...(???!) Well, you know how it is around here anyways.."Enter at your own risk, we're glad you're here!" Have a great day! Denise

Anonymous said...

Looks good, son. But I DON'T plan on drinking any coffee! By the way, could you send you Mom a copy of that family picture?

Anonymous said...


Your blog site is a great idea. I really like the photos you've posted, especially the ones of Joel and Anna--my how they've changed since you were last back at LVBC. Looking forward to more photos of people and places in Africa and other information from the mission field over the next few months. Jerry Seltzer

Anonymous said...

Hello George, Kristen, Joel & Anna
I feel like I know you better already! Thanks for the blog! Their are plenty of thirsty people over here so keep those drinks coming. Also, the meat to go with them. It is raining over here but what we need is the rain spoken of in PS 72:6 - 'He shall come down like rain upon the mown grass: as showers that water the earth. '. Maybe this verse isn't appropriate for you because I heard you have no grass!
Bro Eric

OCM said...

Blogging is fun! :)
Although, I hope iced tea will be ok to drink... it is hot here!! I've been keeping up with y'all via your wife's blog and your missionary letter updates and I look forward to keeping up in a different way through this blog. God bless. - Olivia McEntire